Aerial view of a church in surrounded by countryside

Why Rural Chaplaincy

Rural stress, isolation and high rates of suicide are familiar issues associated with farming. The industry pressures continue with large, one-off disasters (avian flu, flooding and climate change being just a few) along with the volatility of global markets. The pastoral care provided by the chaplains is an essential ‘listening ear, walking with the agricultural community through difficult times’.

The role of Agricultural Chaplain has been undertaken for the last 25 years by Rev. Canon Alan Robson. During this time his chaplaincy has become an integral part of the fabric of the Lincolnshire rural community. The role has broadened beyond pastoral and spiritual care of the agricultural rural community to promotion and participation in projects to benefit their resilience and wellbeing; provoking ethical debate about countryside and agricultural issues and connecting many organisations around the County.

A chaplain strives to act as a Comforter, Catalyst, Champion and Connector.

Comforter … a person who consoles – brings relief in affliction

Catalyst … a person who precipitates change

Champion … a person who fights and argues for a cause

Connector … a person who creates the link between organisations and people

If you wish to speak to a chaplain you can contact them by email or call the LRSN helpline on 0800 1381710

Rev Alan Robson sat at a kitchen table with a farmer

Thank you for your ongoing support with this appeal

“Only one word  I am going to use to celebrate chaplaincy over this past twenty five years is gratitude.

Gratitude to Lincolnshire folk for embracing and being open to new ideas. Gratitude to so many committed people who have inspired projects and new charities to flourish. I am so grateful to the Lincolnshire farming and faith communities who in challenging times have risen with compassionate hearts to make a difference.

Gratitude only truly becomes a powerful social force when it involves presence, participation and  partnership and over the twenty years there have been bountiful demonstrations of all these.

Rev Canon Alan J Robson


Rev Canon Alan Robson

Together we can secure Rural

Chaplaincy for the future

“Chaplaincy is proven to contribute to the wellbeing of food and farming folk in our wonderfully productive county.  I have witnessed this ministry in action, helping countless individuals in difficulty: farm workers and farmers alike, from businesses of every type and size and across the sectors. It is a role capable of challenging policies regarding food security and food systems, ecology and climate change, agricultural ethics and sustainability.”

Toby Dennis

Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire

Read our latest Newsletter by clicking the button below.

5 Rural & Agricultural Chaplains

The Appeal

Alan’s post is at risk and he needs more support find out more on our appeal page and read our new appeal brochure

Stained glass window only partially coloured in with Funds Raised so far £157,000 above it


Find out how to donate or fundraise for LRAC

Altar in with fruit and veg in front of it and a harvest loaf on it. Pedestals of yellow and orange flowers in the background. Green Lincolnshire YFC banner on steps leading up to the altar


Go to our Events page to find out more about the ways we are celebrating Alan’s 25 years of being Lincolnshire’s Agricultural Chaplain.

Get Active For Alan

Can the Rural Community of Greater Lincolnshire walk, bike or run a total of 1000 miles in May and June? We want you to #GetActiveForAlan to show your support for Rev Canon Alan Robson’s 25 years of Agricultural Chaplaincy. Our aim is for the Lincolnshire Rural...

Meryl Ward and Friends Walking the Viking Way

To celebrate Rev Canon Alan Robson’s 25 years as our Agricultural Chaplain, Meryl Ward Chair of LRAC and Rosie Black are walking the full length of the Viking Way. 147 miles over 11 days between 28th April and 10th May, with friends and supporters of Alan. The walk is...

Celebrating Rev Alan Robson’s 25 Years of Agricultural Chaplaincy

Alan began his chaplaincy work in summer 1999, taking over from the first Agricultural Chaplain Rev Dr Gordon Gatward.  Alan was inducted formally as Lincolnshire’s Agricultural Chaplain during September 1999 at Riseholme Agricultural College by the then Bishop Bob...

Lincolnshire Harvest and Harvest Festivals

Harvest 2023 is complete, a very different harvest to the 2022 harvest but no 2 harvests are the same especially now with the unpredictable weather and seasons that seem to no longer have the weather conditions we would expect. The word harvest derives from...

Open Farm Sunday Service at Uncle Henry’s

Sunday Service at Open Farm SundayBefore Open Farm Sunday at Uncle Henry's on Sunday 11th of June Rev Canon Alan Robson conducted an outside service in the courtyard, assisted by Rev Catherine Wylie. Below is the order of service including the hymns and prayers....


Welcome to LRAC news Here is where we will update you with what the Lincolnshire Rural & Agricultural Chaplains are doing, what events they are attending and musings from individual chaplains. There will also be articles about issues affecting rural life in...